“An Act adding to the powers and duties of the State Commission for Human Rights; and relating to and prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.”

There are no current hearings scheduled. The bill was referred to HSS, JUD, and FIN and currently resides in HSS. This bill was also introduced during the last session, and it provides the same protections as the municipalities of Juneau and Anchorage recently passed into law. Here is what LWVUS has to say:  The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that the federal government shares with other levels of government the responsibility to provide equality of opportunity for education, employment and housing for all persons in the United States regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability.”

Some hearings have been scheduled on bills LWVAK has been following: All hearings teleconferenced. You can listen/watch at this link, upper right-hand corner: <>

HB 1:  ELECTION REGISTRATION AND VOTING–Sponsor Rep. Tuck & Drummond   This bill allows same-day registration at elections for eligible citizens. It also establishes support for consistent early voting times and places.  Hearing: Tuesday, 3/21, 3 pm, House STA, Room 120.

HB 175: US PRESIDENT ELECT. POPULAR VOTE COMPACT–Sponsor Fansler & Gara, Parish, Drummond, Kawasaki, Tarr.   LWVUS supports the idea of using the popular vote to elect the President/VP. In last week’s hearing, Barry Fadem, of NPV, presented information about the Compact.  HearingThursday, 3/23, 3 pm, House STA, Room 120. There will be public testimony at this hearing: < you send an email, you might state that you want everyone’s vote to count in this important election. The current method does not allow that, given the winner-take-all practices currently used by all but two states to determine electors. That email can go to If you live in Juneau and have time, please attend the hearing.

HB 115: INCOME TAX; PFD CREDIT; PERM FUND INCOME –Sponsor House Finance Committee.   This bill creates an income tax, restructures the PF and protects the PFD, while using a percentage of the PF earnings for government expenses. Hearing: Thursday, 3/23, 9 am, House FIN, Rm 519.  

LWVAK has letters of support on file for the above three bills. But the sponsors do need to hear from individuals, the more the merrier!

HB 111: BUDGET BILL–Hearings all week. Check here for information: <> Public testimony Sat, 3/25, 10 am, Rm 519.

Remember you can send emails to the sponsors of these bills if you haven’t done so already.