LWVJ Policy Positions

**Updated in 2024:  Avalanche and Mass Wasting position.

After a LWV Study is completed it ends with consensus by the membership on a “Position Statement.” These positions then form the basis for taking action to effect public policy so that it aligns with the LWV position. Advocacy on policy issues begins with LWV members monitoring government and legislative activity. When an opportunity for influencing the direction of such activity is identified, then “Action Alerts” are issued to the membership.  Members are encouraged to advocate on their own behalf, while the respective Board’s leadership determines who will formally present the LWV’s point of view.

Action Alerts are generally emailed to LWV members, posted on our Facebook page, and sometimes described in more detail in our Blog.

National LWV Positions are outlined in the Biennial LWVUS publication “Impact on Issues

Alaska LWV positions are found on the Alaska LWV website.


The Juneau League has studied and adopted positions on the following local issues:

Positions are reviewed and re-affirmed or revised at the League’s annual meeting each March.