Take Action!
Democracy is NOT a Spectator Sport
Maintaining a functioning democracy requires the involvement of citizens. They are responsible for keeping a political and governmental system that is fair and free and protects the rights of all, and that laws are upheld and do not discriminate.
The LWV engages in political advocacy as an organization, and encourages its members to similarly engage on their own behalf.
LWV members are encouraged to become familiar with the political and governmental systems under which they live, and to become active in advocating for change where it is needed.
The National, state, and local LWV issues “Action Alerts” by email to members when opportunities to advocate on topics aligned with LWV Principles and positions are identified. Action Alerts are announced on our Facebook page, and sometimes described in more detail in our Blog. In particular, these posts may be of interest.
Members are encouraged to follow the CBJ Assembly and School Board, as well as the State Legislature, and make their voices heard on policy issues that are important to them.