Contacting Your Federal Representatives

This post is the second in a series designed to give readers tools to begin becoming effective advocates for policy direction at the local, federal, and state level. This post focuses on the federal level. Generally, the process boils down to a few stages. However, the details of each process at the local, state, and federal level are quite different. [more...]

2020-07-09T17:09:50-08:00Advocacy, Archive, Member Info|

Tracking and Impacting AK Legislation

This post is the first in a series designed to give readers a few tools to begin becoming effective advocates for policy direction at the local, federal, and state level. This post focuses on the state level. Generally, the process boils down to a few stages. However, the details of each process at the local, state, and federal level [more...]

2020-07-09T17:10:02-08:00Advocacy, Archive, Member Info|

Popular Vote 2

In the blog Popular Vote 1, three questions were proposed, and the attempt to answer those questions can be found in the following blog. ONE:  Why do we have the Electoral College rather than a popular vote determining the winners of the Presidential elections?  The writers of the Constitution struggled with the problem of electing [more...]

2020-07-09T17:12:28-08:00Archive, Election Laws|

Democracy Requires Transparency

The recent election has raised the issue of transparency in government to a high priority. What is government transparency – and why does it matter? Transparency measures the amount of openness, accountability, and integrity of a government entity. Without transparency, corruption can easily, and usually will, flourish.  “Governments exist to serve the people. Information on [more...]

2020-07-09T17:10:13-08:00Advocacy, Archive, Corruption|
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