2017 Action Alert #6

SB 72: DISCRIMINATION: GENDER ID.;SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Sponsor: Senator Gardner "An Act adding to the powers and duties of the State Commission for Human Rights; and relating to and prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression." There are no current hearings scheduled. The bill was referred to HSS, JUD, and FIN and currently [more...]


Popular Vote 3

Changing the use of the Electoral Vote (EV) in order to give a more representative nod to the total popular vote (PV) would not be easy. Awarding electoral votes (EV’s) based on a proportion of the popular vote (PV) in each state is a possibility for a more accurate representation.  There are two methods by [more...]

Popular Vote 2

In the blog Popular Vote 1, three questions were proposed, and the attempt to answer those questions can be found in the following blog. ONE:  Why do we have the Electoral College rather than a popular vote determining the winners of the Presidential elections?  The writers of the Constitution struggled with the problem of electing [more...]

2020-07-09T17:12:28-08:00Archive, Election Laws|
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