Latest Past Events

State LWV Biennial Convention

The biennial state LWV Convention will be held in Juneau in 2019 from April 12-14.

LWV Annual Fundraiser – the Hangar Ballroom 6:30-8:30pm

Come and have a blast at our annual fundraiser - Wine-tasting, and Silent Auction in the Hangar Ballroom (on the Wharf). Free appetizers, and music too!! Plan to come here as part of your October First Friday. While member dues support State and National dues, this event is what sustains our local Juneau LWV activities. [more...]

Voter Registration Day

This is the day to help organize voter registration drives.  October 7 is the last day to register for the November general election.  If you can help register voters (we can get you trained) contact Bridget Smith at 209-0025