The 33rd Alaska State Legislature will convene January 17th
Stay up-to-date
for issues and bills we are tracking in 2023
Want to help ensure Voting Rights?
Join the League of Women Voters today!
Facebook Feed
Check us out at https://www.facebook.com/JuneauLWV/
Our Work
Voter Registration
We register voters at community events such as festivals, parades, malls, and other venues such as the local high schools and UAS. We work with the following collaborative partners to ensure that all citizens have the ability to vote:
Juneau Votes – Public Libraries – Juneau Empire – Tlingit-Haida – Radio – Civic Organizations – Schools
Voter Education
Voter Education is key to ensuring that democracy works for all of us. There are many ways in which we work to ensure our citizens understand how our government works, and how to have their voices hear. Some of the ways we do this are by:
Candidate Forums and Debates – Capitol Visits for 8th Graders – Classroom Teaching – Civics Quiz at Venues – “How to Run for Office” Workshop and many others.
Voter Participation
There are many ways we help with voter participation. We define and set local policy statements, advocate for these positions within the legislature and local government, and helping to enable citizen participation in local and state governments.
Working at polling places – Participating in Hand counts and verifications – Defining programs for local actions – and many others.
Let's Work Together!
This is a critical election year! Could you can find a few hours to help us "get out the vote?"
Let's help Juneau understand the issues, the candidates, the importance of voting, and the ways we can vote.
We need more people to help write articles, tweet, or post Facebook information. And, we hope to hold events, forums, and voter registrations by fall.
So, whether you just have an hour -- or more -- please get in touch with us. We'll work with YOUR schedule, interests and abilities to find ways we can work together.