This is the category for the LWV-AK posts

Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan, Incumbent, Republican running in the Republican Primary Website: DANSULLIVANFORALASKA.COM Responses to Voter's Guide Questions: Did not respond to a request for comments Biographical Information: Dan Sullivan was elected in 2014 and sworn in as Alaska’s eighth United States Senator on January 6, 2015. Recognized as one of the Senate’s most effective lawmakers, Sullivan [more...]

Don Young

Don Young, Incumbent, Republican running in the Republican Primary Website: ALASKANSFORDONYOUNG.COM Biographical Information: Congressman Don Young was re-elected to the 116th Congress in 2018 to serve his 24th term as Alaska's sole Member to the United States House of Representatives. First sworn in during the 93rd Congress after winning a special election, Congressman Young is [more...]

Senator Murkowski’s VRAA Press Release

02.12.20 Murkowski Supports Legislation to Restore Voting Rights Act U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski announced she is co-sponsoring S. 561, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, as the lead Republican on the bill. Sponsored by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the legislation improves certain provisions of the original, bipartisan Voting Rights Act of 1965, which were determined to [more...]

2024-01-06T12:56:03-09:00Alaska, Archive, VRAA|

ERA Coalition Information

ERA COALITION 1875 K Street,FL 4, Washington, DC 20006 History of the Equal Rights Amendment Alice Paul drafted and introduced the first Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1923, at a conference to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention. She was a Republican and one of the founders of the National Woman’s Party, [more...]

2024-01-06T12:56:03-09:00Alaska, Archive, ERA|

LWVUS Equal Rights Amendment Info

League of Women Voters of the United States: The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) HISTORY and PROCESS LWVUS has supported and pushed for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment since it was first passed by Congress in 1972. Leagues across the country have worked to engage lawmakers and organize at the grassroots level to ensure equal [more...]

2024-01-06T12:56:03-09:00Alaska, Archive, ERA|

How will the VRAA work?

The Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019 responds to current conditions in voting today by restoring the full protections of the original, bipartisan Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was last reauthorized by Congress in 2006, but gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013. • Following the Shelby County decision four years ago, several [more...]

2024-01-06T12:56:03-09:00Alaska, Archive, VRAA|

Equal Rights Amendment Op Ed (ADN)

Written by Bridget Smith of Juneau for the LWVAKPublished in the Anchorage Daily News--July 5, 2020The League of Women Voters Urges that the Equal Rights Amendment Become the 28th Amendment to the ConstitutionSection 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State [more...]

2024-01-06T12:56:03-09:00Alaska, Archive, ERA|
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