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More information from the League of Women Voters – Alaska

Advantages of Ranked Choice Voting

Alaskans will be voting this November on Ballot Measure #2 - Repeal Ranked Choice voting and Open Primaries. Here's why we don't support this ballot measure: RCV allows voters to rank candidates by preference, ensuring that the elected candidate has broader support. Here are some key advantages: Ensures Majority Support: RCV ensures that the winning candidate has majority support, rather [more...]

July 30th, 2024|2024, Alaska, Article, Front Page|0 Comments

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Why Should I Vote?

July 5th, 2024|

According to a recent study, these are the top reasons people don’t vote (and some reasons to help change their minds):  Don't like the candidates Nobody is perfect, and no candidate is either.  Find the [more...]

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 9

May 25th, 2024|

 Legislative Wrap-up - 2024  We started out the year with a hope for election process improvements, increased education spending, and campaign finance reforms. Throughout the session, we watched to see whether there would be some [more...]

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 6

March 26th, 2024|

No BSA funding — Now what? Unable to override the Veto By now you all have heard of the Alaska Legislators vote to uphold the Governor’s veto of SB140. The fallout - closing schools, laying [more...]

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 5

March 11th, 2024|

Mid-session blues… No news from the Governor yet on the fate of SB140.  Gov. Dunleavy has until March 14th to either sign, or veto, or let the bill stand without his signature. Even if he [more...]

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 4

February 26th, 2024|

Education Compromise House News: During the last two weeks in the House of Representatives, the sessions have centered around SB 140 - Internet for Schools. The House Rules committee modified it to include a number [more...]

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 3

February 12th, 2024|

It’s a Leap Year! At this time of year, it always seems like things are moving ever so slowly. Sure, there are a lot of committee meetings, and bills assigned. But there aren’t many decisions [more...]

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