Capitol Currents Archives

Archive Editions of Capitol Currents for 2017 Capitol Currents is a weekly update of happenings at the Alaska State Legislature during session.   Each week, this article will be updated with the latest edition for you to read and download.  There is a lot of great information in these editions, everything from the list of [more...]


Action Alert #2/2017

A. BUDGET: Probably the biggest issue facing the Legislature is the state financial crisis. The HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE has submitted a bill calling for an income tax and a refiguring of the Permanent Fund which would save the dividend and allow for budget spending of some of the earnings while placing some of those earning [more...]


Tracking and Impacting AK Legislation

This post is the first in a series designed to give readers a few tools to begin becoming effective advocates for policy direction at the local, federal, and state level. This post focuses on the state level. Generally, the process boils down to a few stages. However, the details of each process at the local, state, and federal level [more...]

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