Empowering Voters.  Defending Democracy.



An educational site brought to you by the League of Women Voters of Alaska

Pass the Equal Rights Amendment!  

All of this legislation is being held up in the Senate by means of the filibuster.  Learn more about how to fix this: 

From the LWVUS site:   LWVUS thinking on the filibuster

A good definition of what it is:   The Brennan Center definition of the filibuster

And, a third link which covers some of the history but also various ways to fix it:   Brookings Institute

Learn more about the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Learn more about the For the People Act

Learn more about the Equal Rights Amendment

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA)

Are you wondering why all of a sudden the news is talking about polling stations being closed, voter rolls being purged, and long lines at polling sites?  Don’t we have a Voter Rights law which prevents states from arbitrarily restricting voting?  Well, yes and no.  The Supreme Court struck down part of that law.  And now, Congress needs to fix it.

On December 6, 2019, by a bi-partisan vote, the US House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act.  However, it wasn’t passed in the Senate, so now Congress has to start over.

Read more articles here…

The For the People Act

While the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is important to establish a way to review what state’s are implementing, the For the People Act is critical to provide voting rights protections and reforms in place would revolutionize our elections and make them more accessible, yield increased turnout, and ultimately elevate the voice of all Americans.

Read more articles here…

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. –Section 1 of the Equal Rights Amendment

Why has it taken so long for our country to recognize that Equal Rights for women should be called out in the Constitution?  Why is this a controversial issue?

19th Amendment Facts

Before and After the Nineteenth Amendment August 2020 marks several landmarks in the long struggle for voting rights for [more...]

The ERA – History

EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT (ERA) Some History: The first version of the Equal Rights Amendment was submitted to Congress in [more...]

ERA Coalition Information

ERA COALITION 1875 K Street,FL 4, Washington, DC 20006 www.eracoalition.org History of the Equal Rights Amendment Alice Paul drafted and introduced [more...]

Read more articles here…

What can you do?

If these issues are important to you, write to your Senators, talk to your friends, write letters to the editors, post Facebook posts, and Tweet your support!

Regarding all of these issues for the new legislative year,  please write, call or email  both Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Dan Sullivan to encourage them to support all of these issues.  

Murkowski, Lisa – (R – AK)
522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6665
Sullivan, Dan – (R – AK)
302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3004

More information about the League of Women Voters of Alaska, and the other Leagues in Alaska

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